Thursday, December 1, 2011

love love love

"It's so easy to write about love," she said. "When you're in it. When you lose it. When it hurts you or heals you."

It's so easy to write about love when even its shadow consumes you. When you wake up like the dead in a cold sweat because you know something is wrong. When it's your father's tears in your dreams, or your sister's, or your lover's. It's easy to write about love when it's the story you tell yourself over and over so you can finally eat something. When time slows way down, way way down, so you can inspect the slightest memory.

It's so easy to write about love when you're falling, heart first and down a hundred flights of stairs. When it gives your heart wings because you know it's real... at least for now. When after all you've been through, you still have hopeless romance inside you.

"It's so easy to write about love," she said. "When it hurts you. When it soothes you. When its the only thing that sustains you."

apparently i can't let this go yet...

"...Hold your nerve
Keep your focus
There's something peculiar about the way you pay to save your soul
You forfeit your dream..."

"It's strange to think the songs we used to sing
The smiles, the flowers, everything: is gone
Yesterday I found out about you
Even now just looking at you: feels wrong..."

"...The snake behind me hisses
What my damage could have been.
My blood before me begs me
Open up my heart again.
And I feel this coming over like a storm again..."

"Feeling overload
Carrying bottled skies around
I've been drowning all along
Wearing out in a faltered sea
And I give up..."

"...Christmas night, it clutched the light, the hallow bright
above my brother, I and tangled spines
we smoked the screen to make it what it was to be
now to know it in my memory..."

...My heart is yours,
It's you that I hold on to,
That's what I do,
And I know I was wrong,
But I won't let you down,
(Oh yeah, yeah, yes I will)..."