Friday, March 19, 2010

only love is all maroon

It is an amazing world we live in, and I can't help but be thankful for it all. The sun is shining, the wind is shaking the leaves of the tree outside, and I can almost smell the salt in the air.

I listen to music, feel the beat reverberate within me, shaking up my soul and pulsing with my heart. It makes every moment fuller, like an art piece. I can lay back on my comfy couch and close my eyes and breathe the music in.

Has anyone else felt that way? Yes, I am sure of it. That's part of the beauty of music. It touches everyone, somewhere within them. I have turned up Tool and sat with a friend and sang every word, involuntarily orchestrating the music with my free hands. I have rolled down the window as I drove through LA, Bob Dylan peeling away the dirty layers and revealing the spirit of the city to my plain eyes. The minutes I laid in peace with a boy, my head in his lap and wishing the world were just a little bit different, with Bon Iver breaking our hearts... I have danced with a distant aquaintance who became fused in my memory as the only boy who has asked me to dance. I have let go of all inhibition and body-slammed the nearest stranger, I have leaned into the arms of my lover, I have pushed myself just a little farther, all due to some song or another. And I can remember each song...

Music is the Great Uniter, the Shifter of Paradigms, the Eraser of the Mundane. And if for some reason you want to revisit your past, you want to hold the memory on your tounge and swallow it, tasting it all the way down... just put on the song that was playing. You won't be able to escape it

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