Sunday, July 4, 2010

fever dreams

i just woke up and had to get this down
i was trapped in a part of the wrold that the people were living off the land, no electricity, stone cottace houses... the future people were threatening to come and civilize them. then there was an attack of a great dog, we are talking huge, bigger than some of the houses... and i was the only one who knew when it was coming... id always see a tiny pug puppy and then a big black wolf dog, and then i knew i had to get out of wherever i was...
i tried to escape the village with kurtis, and it turns out everyone was living out by my dads place, and there were other scary animals in the woods out there... like tigers... but nothing as terrifying as the giant dog... i was driving my car to get out of there, and made a crazy turn, and got pulled over by a cop. who i fought, and slepped, and screamed at... then i was picked up by a friend who had heard i was in trouble (i dont think i know her in real life) and she only had a two seater, and i wasnt going to leave kurtis behind, so we got in my car but by then the crazy cop had reported it as stolen, so we couldnt use it. then this friend of mine had called a bunch of people to come help us, some friend that i never met in the dream, and only knew her name, but i cant remember it now (awake). so she had called some guy who drove up in a black escalade and asked us if we were who we were, and told us that so-and-so had called, so we all tried to get in his car, but i saw that the giant dog was about to show up (like magic it always just appears, like the other two dgs before it) and then i woke up sweating...

about a year ago, i had a dream that i was on a circus island, i guess like coney island (though i have never been there). i was walking along the boardwalk, looking in shops, when this crazy bearded lady sees me and tells me i better come with her, she's been waiting all week for me to show up. she had been leaning against a wall, literally waiting for me to pass by. so she takes me down these stairs, and around all these corners, and into hallways, where i see a door... theres a girl screaming and crying, so i look and see her shadow, and it looks like someone is stabbing her... so i rush into the room where she is naked, riding a stationary bicycle, and the bike is attatched to this thing that has a knife, and the knife is feeding her cake. -not stabbing her- and there is a video projected on the wall of my home movies... (idk.) so then i get pulled into some room by the bearded lady, and she tells me to drink this thing, quick, its the only way i'll live through it... and it tastes like unicorn piss... thats the only thing i could think of that it tasted like, becasue it was disgusting but really really pure. so then, suddenly, the strong man busts in, sees me, and laughes. he takes me hostage (he is the strong man, after all) and puts me in a birdcage. im there for weeks, and he gives me only moldy bread to eat, and its dry and cuts my mouth and im bleeding, and all this stuff... it turns out i somehow figure out that i have lightning powers now... the bearded lady gave me them in that drink, and i can send the lightning through puddle of water i see on the ground...
so the strong man comes and gets me, says hes gonna sell me as a sex slave to the ringmaster... dresses me up in some skanky circus outfit (that i totally wish i owned now, but then was really scary and demeaning...) and forces me to dance, chained, all the way to this bus thats waiting... the island complex is completely deserted now. everyone on the bus is in the circus... sad clowns, the bearded lady (who cries when she sees me, and shakes her head, and tries to tell me everything is going to be fine... and then he puts me back in a flat cage that goes under the bus... and then we start driving, and i can feel the road under me by milimeters, and all i see are the yellow lines and some weeds next to the road... we stop at a gas station, which is right next to a church... strong man takes me out of my cage and tells me i am going to sing for the church, which i forcefully decline, and i shove my hands on his bald head and use my crazy lightning powers to electrocute him... only he can take it as well as i can, so we are both siezuring and going unconcious, and i remember slipping into a coma or something in my dream and thinking 'if this is the only way i get to be free, so be it...' and make sure i keep my hands on him as we both go down. i woke up, thinking i was still in the dream waking up from my coma...

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