Wednesday, October 20, 2010

a great force

I spend my days lazing about, doing nothing of consequence or value. I read. I watch movies. I eat. I water my one house plant.
Where is my passion for living? I feel itchy, waiting for something to happen that wakes me up. I am a victim of inertia... whatever is at rest will stay at rest until a force great enough makes it move.
I need a great force.
It is easier to work hard and try hard and make something happen when you are in dire need. When you are homeless and without food, suddenly a spark is lit and your survival instincts are ignited. But when you are comfortable, and taken care of, and at rest it is much easier to lay still, to do nothing of consequence or value. It takes greater will to make something of oneself, to dig deep and find the passion within.
I need great will.
Where does one go about finding a thing like that? Will. Passion. Drive. I inherited my inclination for laziness, and I wonder if will is also an inherited trait.
One thing is certain: I have to pull myself up and into the world again. No one else can do it for me. I have to find the courage to not settle for less than what I want out of my life.

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful ... sometimes it's hard to speak my feelings, but you helped me to get it out...
