Friday, November 19, 2010


I looked around and found the dichotomy that is me.
Hanging on the hooks behind my door are my two favorite jackets... one is a black leather jacket with zippers all over. It's tough, and soft, and worn. It's my badass jacket. The other jacket might not even be a jacket at all. It is a patchwork of random fabrics, falling just above my knees. It closes with a single ribbon under the bust, and it came from a hippie thrift shop in san francisco.

Thus: the dichotomy of me.

I find that I am a walking contradiction. On one hand, I crave change and action and extremes. I want to skydive and live as a gypsy and run away from convention. On the other hand, I sit lazily on my couch, watching movies and writing poetry.
I want to be a musician; I don't know how to play an instrument. I want to travel the whole world; I don't save up money to go anywhere.

And though this may be frustrating to those who know and love me, I have to say...
...I still love both of those jackets.

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