Tuesday, May 25, 2010

i had a dream i stood beneath an orange sky

It is cold out here today. Not cold- it can never really get cold in Southern California- but definately chill. The clouds are thick overhead, and the breeze that is shaking the leaves on the trees, that breeze is right off the grey-green ocean. The breeze is cold. The sun is playing a child's game of peek-a-boo, shining its face from behind the sheet of clouds for a mere moment before hiding again.

It is midnight where he is. I don't know if that means he is alseep, sweating and hot in some bed, or if he is awake with a drink in hand, wandering the streets of Koh Samui. I hope his feet are in the sand and the moon is high and close to full. I hope right now he is thinking of me, too.

These days are going by, and mostly I feel like I am just wasting time until he gets back. That needs to change, quickly, becasue six months is a lot of time to just waste. I know there are things I am going to do with my time. When the days get hotter, I am going to become a surfer. I am going to hit the waves with a girl I know, and I am going to learn. I am going to take more classes at school, start integrating all the things I have learned so far into my everyday life. I'm going to start going to yoga at my school too, it's offered free for students. I'm going to get a job, earn some money of my own to save for traveling, or getting a bigger apartment, or just to have in just in case. I hate living off my grandparents, and saving nothing. That is going to change.

I wish, though, that I had my feet in the sand, looking up at an almost-full moon, sweating in the midnight heat of Koh Samui.

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